Since 2016 Plumr has been growing! From a one man show, to now 8 plumbers in the field. Trust from our customers and the community has given us the ability to grow. 

Plumr, has built a strong reputation based on our commitment to honesty, integrity, and ethical business practices, making us the go-to choice for plumbing repairs and installations, regardless of the scale.

Our owner, Nick, is a Licensed Master Plumber and esteemed educator at The Peterson School in Woburn, MA, providing expert leadership to our skilled team of plumbers. With Plumr, you can expect excellent and dependable plumbing services for all your needs.

We offer a wide range of plumbing repairs and installations, catering to both big and small projects. Choose Plumr for professionalism, reliability, and industry-leading service. Contact us now to experience the Plumr difference.


Our employees are the life blood of Plumr. We treat them with respect and understand they are not expendable. We give them stake in the company and let them control and manage parts of the business. Giving them real pride in what they do. 

Our guys are smart and well rounded too! We have scientists, Accountants, Engineers, graphic designers and a professional photographer on our team. We honestly don’t know how we got so lucky with our team! 

They choose to be at Plumr because they love what they do!